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Dupa ce am vazut multe multe multe tipuri de spam si phishing, azi a aparut un tip nou. Dupa cum puteti vedea mai jos, cineva trimite emailuri la o baza de date imensa de adrese, cu un email emotional prin care ne anunta un deces fictiv, prin care desigur la final cere o donatie.

To those who knew me,
This is an e-mail that is to all of the people who I have had contact with since February of 1997 when I was first introduced to e-mail and AOL.  I have had the eourhaan@aol e-mail address since then and have never changed it.  Can you imagine, it has been 16 years since the Internet 1st caught my eye.
Well, it's over.  I had a great life.  No more passing on jokes, telling stories, sharing my experiences or listening to yours.  Throughout my life, I have been fortunate to be able to touch so many lives in such a positive way.  So many of those little third and fourth graders have grown up to be contributors to the communities they live in and the world as a whole.  That was my goal for each and everyone of them.  Well, there were a couple of special ones and a couple I would have gladly traded as we used to do in the old days.  Do you remember that?  Sitting in a circle at the beginning of each year and trading the challenging kids for a couple of the angels.  Jesus, I had some Angels all right!  Tony Chickillo, was one of my favorites.  I was very proud of him.  Not such a great student, but, what a personality.  I loved that kid. It didn't hurt that he went on to play for UM. Like his dad and his son.  He would come back and visit me from time to time. Always, made my day.
Speaking of football, I will have you know, I was number one this year in the football pool ahead of everyone by two games before I got sick.  Shit, it was my year. 
As I look back at the 78 and 1/2 years it was set into multiple parts.  Growing up and going to school at Gables and then Miami High.  The U of M and the Marching Band, My life as a Teacher for 30 years while taking care of my husband and son, my time as a mother-in-law and finally as grandmother to my two girls Natalie and Melanie.  What a great life I had.  So many friends along the way and many for so long.  
Just know I will miss all of you and I don't want you to feel bad about my passing away.  You were all so good to me and for once, I don't have any advice.  It was my time, and I went fast, just like I wanted.
I wish you all the best and I will see you all sooner or later.  Preferably later.
Do as I did, Life life to its fullest, remember the good and what you learned from the bad, pass on your knowledge whenever someone is willing to listen and learn, travel and learn about different cultures, enjoy your family, spend as much time with them as you can but don't smother them, try not to demand too much, and most of all, live until you can't.
Love, Eleanor Patricia (Pat)
I passed away Monday at 1 in the morning. 
If you want to pay your respects, you can celebrate my life at 2:30 PM at River.... 590 SW 77th Ave
If you feel the need to make a donation in my name, please go the the  Both of my grand daughters are officers and love the organization.
Thank you for sharing your life with me.

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